Mon 27 Jan
late nite ~~~ SUNSHINE sizzling incall **** come play sexy flirty BLONDE **** (.)(.) - 21
(kendall /152 coral reef and 137 ave area)
freaky TUESDAY all day incall BLONDE ; kum spend discreet quiet time ***KUM PLAY sizzzling special - 26
(kendall/ 152 coral reef n 137 ave area)
EXXXOTIC blonde barbie ***** sizzling incall specials kum play (.)(.) >>>> - 26
(kendall/ 152 coral reef area)
EXXXOTIC blonde BARBIE /// discreet ,private, totally confidential ".sizzling incall specials (.)(.) - 26
(kendall/ 152 coral reef area)
EXXXOTIC blonde BARBIE **** all day Sizzzzzzling .... incall specials ***** (.)(.) - 26
(kendall/152 coral reef area)
EARLY morning SUNSHINE sizzling incall **** come play sexy flirty BLONDE **** (.)(.) - 26
(kendall /152 coral reef and 137 ave area)
CREAMY ~~~ pink - cotton CANDY all day incall specials sexy petite BLONDE ***** (.)(.) discreet - - 26
(kendall/152 coral reef area)
Sun 26 Jan
(.)(.) after work SIZZLING INCALL specials! SWEET ~n~ sexy american sugar // i love it when i sweat - 26
(kendall /152 coral reef and 137 ave area)
Thu 09 Jan
sexy petite blonde all night incall specials **** come visit **** - 21
(kendall /152 coral reef and 137 ave area)
exxxotic ____ blonde ^^^^ barbie SIZZLINGincall %%%% specials>>>> all nite >>> - 26
(kendall/ 152 coral reef area)
CREAMY ~~~ pink - cotton CANDY all nite incall specials sexy petite BLONDE ***** (.)(.) discreet - - 26
(kendall/152 coral reef area)
ALL ~ day ~ incall specials **** sexy petite blonde flirty fun .... and FANTASTIC come play (.)(.) - 26
(kendall /152 coral reef and 137 ave area)
ALL ~ day ~ incall specials **** sexy petite blonde flirty fun .... and FANTASTIC come play (.)(.) - 26
(kendall /152 coral reef and 137 ave area)
Wed 08 Jan
ALL night incall ** specials (.)(.) ~ sweet sexy american sugar ~~~ BLONDES always have more fun ! - 26
(kendall /152 coral reef and 137 ave area)
UP^ all NIGHT (.)(.) ***** sizzling incall specials come play (.)(.) discreet, private 100% XTASY - 26
UP ^ LATE??? im available all night ~ sweet sexy american sugar ~~~ BLONDES always have more fun ! - 26
(kendall /152 coral reef and 137 ave area)
exxxotic ____ blonde ^^^^ barbie SIZZLINGincall %%%% specials>>>> all nite >>> - 26
(kendall/ 152 coral reef area)
BLONDE ~ N ~N REDHEAD 1 or 2 girl all day incall specials ***** GFE pleasure >>>> - 26
(kendall /152 coral reef and 137 ave area)
Tue 07 Jan
LAST day in town * mind BLOWING experience incall' incall specials AMERICAN blonde MOUTH watering - 26
(kendall) 152 coral reef and 137 ave area)
LAST day in town * mind BLOWING experience incall' incall specials AMERICAN blonde MOUTH watering - 26
(kendall /152 coral reef and 137 ave area)
Mon 06 Jan
UP^ all NIGHT (.)(.) ***** sizzling incall specials kum play (.)(.) ashley NEW# regulars welcomed - 26
(kendall/ 152 coral reef area)
UP ALL nite ~~~ SUNSHINE sizzling incall **** come play sexy flirty BLONDE **** (.)(.) - 21
(kendall /152 coral reef and 137 ave area)
34'dd sizzling Incall $pecials *** EXXXOTIC blonde barbie *** kum play all day **** (.)(.) - 26
(kendall/152 coral reef area)
Sun 05 Jan
UP^ all NIGHT (.)(.) ***** sizzling incall specials kum play (.)(.) discreet, private 100% XTASY - 26
(kendall/ 152 coral reef area)
CREAMY ~~~ pink - cotton CANDY all nite incall specials sexy petite BLONDE ***** (.)(.) discreet - - 26
(kendall/152 coral reef area)
Sat 04 Jan
UP^ ALL NITE sexy petite blonde .....****** come over n play (.)(.) slippery when wet **** - 26
(kendall/152 coral reef area)
SENSOUS FRIDAY specials ** sizzling incall specials come play (.)(.) creamy pink silky cotton candy - 26
(kendall/ 152 coral reef area)
BLONDE ~ N ~N REDHEAD 1 or 2 girl all night incall specials ***** GFE pleasure >>>> - 21
(kendall /152 coral reef and 137 ave area)
NAUGHTY ` N ~ NICE gfe sexy young n tender redhead ...all nite incall play xoxoxoxo >>>>> - 21
(kendall 152 coral reef 137 ave area)
Fri 03 Jan
sizzling saturday ~~~~ sexy petite BLONDE kum over and play (.)(.) .... incall specials ** (.)(.) - 26
(kendall/152 coral reef area 137ave)
sexy SIZZZZLING discreet incall specials **** (.)(.) kum play all nite sensual time & companionship - 26
(kendall/ 152 coral reef n 137 ave area)
Thu 02 Jan