Mon 27 Jan
PRECIOSA ¡ CAMILA Modelo VIP 100% Original ! Te ENAMORARAS - 25
(Miami, Miami beach, doral, kendall, brickell)
Let me be YOUR FANTASY tonight, 100% real SEXY UPSCALE FREAK - 19
(Miami, incall Miami shores outcall broward)
I'm Back!!! The Best Independent Spinner!!! Spend Some Time In "SIN" 404-447-8726 - 20
(So. Florida)
🆕🆕🆕 HoNey BLOnDe 🍯🍯🍯 PerFecTLy RounD 42" Azz 🍎🍎🍎BottoM Beauty🏆💎💎💎 - 24
(Coconut Grove, Coral Gables, Coral Way, Doral, Downtown, Ft Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale Incall/Outcall, Hialeah, Miami, Miami Beach, North)
*: :*★¨* : F r E a K y __ F R i D a Y !!!!! $1 0 0 S P E C I A L S *: :*★¨* : - 25
(incall/outcall all over miami n broward)
Extremely Low Incall & Outcall Rates. Let a delicious Cuban Mami satisfy ur cravings. - 26
(Miami, Miami Dade & Broward County)
ExTrA SeXXy B*ooTiLicioUs BloNDE EbONY MoDeL ** 24/7 InCaLL/OutCaLL SpeCiaLs 786*303*9422 - 21
(NE 59st & US-1 InCaLLs & OutCaLLS)
EXOTIC blend built for fun and pleasure ....take a walk on the WILDSIDE! - 20
(Mianmi beach IN/OUTCALL)
((EBONY HONEYNUT )) ***** Try ME Once You'll Come Back For MORE ***** 305-879-9335 - 20
(Miami, Broward Hollywood sunrise)
Sun 26 Jan
(Miami, incall and outcall dade + broward)
::*¨¨*:☆aRe yoU looKing foR tHe BEST? Im the One tHat maKes yOu fOrgEt tHe rEst::*¨¨*:☆ ::*¨¨*:☆ - 19
(Miami, incall Miami OUTCALL Broward)
A Flirty Sweetheart for Your VIP Taste! - 19
(Florida Keys, Ft Lauderdale, Miami, West Palm Beach, In the city)
80/120/150 special in/outcalls please be ready rt now meeka 8629001038 - 28
(Miami, miami south beach)
7*0H Specials * Come & Get a Load of This!!!!!** SOFt GriPaBLe @ss!!!** !! 100% Real Pics! - 24
(Miami, North Miami Incalls/Outcalls)
Sun 12 Jan
-:+:-No Rush :+: 24/7 LATE NIGHT :+: Sexy Exotic VIP Vixen :+: Petite Latina Asian -:+:- - 21
(Incall and Outcall 24/7)
Sat 11 Jan
New GFE Ebony Spinner -- $100 Recession Specials "Hurry Up & Buy" (Prebook Incall/Outcall) - 22
(Dade or Broward Prebook Incalls/Outcalls)
YoUr SoUth BeAcH GFE BaBe iS oN RiTe NoW & mY nAmE iS ANGELINA & GuYs iTs $160$ WoW $160$OMFG $160$
Drop Dead Gorgeous COLLEGE Chick Hot Hot Hot xoxo 100%BABE xoxo PICS You See Are 100% ME - 20
(Miami Airport off Le Jeune)
*******BIG BOOTY TRICE******* Right At Your $ERVICE *********** - 20
(Miami, okeechobee,northmiamigardens,south bch)
Fri 10 Jan
Call me Ms. Feel good! Or Fantasy Fullfiller! - 19
(Incall( Miami Gardens) OutCall Miami/ Broward up to Hardrock)
Incredible Columbian 21yr old lonely and wants to hang out:) - 21
(Miami, MIami, broward and west palm beach areas)
*¨¨*:. ? .:*¨¨* DOUBLe THE TROUBLE! INcal /OUTCALL colombian/ filipino denise *¨¨*:. ? .:*¨¨ - 20
(dade in and outcalls)
*: :*★¨* : ? ¯ExXxOTiC¯ * ¯ToP*NoTcH¯ * ¯ PRoViDeR¯ * *: :*★¨* : - 25
(incall/outcall all over miami n broward)
💕💕💋� $100$ BLoNDe LaTiNa💎 BoOTyLiCiOuS 💕 💯% ReaL 💕💎 SnOwBuNnY OPEN 24/7 $100$ 💎💋 💕💕 - 26
(Miami, incall 36 st and 74 ave NW Miami OUTCALL)
Thu 09 Jan
SuLTrY BLoNDe MoDel Will Make YoUR FaNTaSIEs CoMe TrUe!!! YoU DeSeReVe A DaY oF ToTaL BLISS~~XOXO - 26
(West Palm Beach, Boca Raton - Fed Hwy or PBC Outcall)
♥°o S E X X Y * E B O N Y * G I R L * S P E C I A L ♥°o - 23
(Miami, N Miami, Aventura, M Gardens, Ives Dairy)
★ ♥ *❤.•* *★❤.New girl sasha ready to play sexy blond size 34 E natural boobies!!! - 22
(North Miami Beach, miami intl airport)
23 anitos! Bella 💯 % real papito! 💋Outcall/incall💋Carolina 👅Rica la mas 💦mojadita. 7868428156 - 23
(airport, doral, Miami springs, kendall, Doral, Miami)
~~Your Pleasure is MY Service~~ ~~ 46 Big Ds! Downtown / Airport - 46
(Miami Downtown, Downtown Miami)
S O P H I S T I C A T E D •• 1 1 0 L B S •• 5'4” •• Educated and Beautiful - (305) 834-5570 - 20
(Miami, South Beach Incall, Outcall Broward)
▇ ♥ ▇▇ ♥ ▇ G I R L F R I E N D ▇ ♥ ▇▇ ♥ ▇ E X P E R I E N C E ▇ ♥ ▇▇ ♥ ▇ - 26
Wed 08 Jan
%%% ( HONEYNUT ) ***** $$$ HONEYNUT Coming to drop the HONEY On YOU **** 305-879-9335 - 20
(Miami, SW 8 ST. brickel downtown southbeach)
Chocolate Beauty is New On the Scene And Ready To Explore, 414 366 4869 - 19
Voluptuous Violet 3054576109 Outcalls only Voluptuous Violet sexy bbw new# 3054576109 - 24
(Hialeah, Miami, Outcalls near hialeah)
2 Girl SPECIAL SOUTH BEACH ✔ 100% SAFE!!!! ✔ 100% REAL PICS!!! ✔ Outcall/Incall - 19
Dripping Wettt!!! GFE ((Cassie)) Cum and get me Baby!!! 125 kisses incall / outcall negotiable - 19
• »-(¯`v´¯)-» COME TASTE ✈ CURVES & SEXY✈ »-(¯`v´¯)-» ★HUMPDAY SPECIALS★ - 23
(Miami, Dade & Broward incall/outcall)
Satisfy ur every desire with a Delicious Cuban Temptress. Amazing Incall & Outcall Rates! 7864864839 - 26
(Miami, Miami Dade & Broward County)
Tue 07 Jan
Mature Alexandra Outcall to dade/broward incall Miami airport - 35
(Miami, Miami Airport, Outcall Any Dade/brw)
2 Girl SPECIAL ✔ 100% SAFE!!!! ✔ 100% REAL PICS!!! ✔ SPECIALS - 19
SeXy MaMa "LACY "*¨¨*-:¦:-** 34dd *¨¨*-:¦:-** "TRUE" PaRtY GiRl DiVa :¦:-** - 24
❣NEW Beautiful sugar Baby 💋👠 ⭐️ Katerina ⭐️ 💄 - 19
(Doral, Doral, Miami airport,Palmetto expressway, Miami)
Mon 06 Jan
***100 ★VID STAR** DOMINCAN N EBOnY PlayMate$$$$$ Long Legs$$100 - 22
(Miami, Tamarac, Ft.Lauderdale, Lauderhill, Boca)
★ ♥ *❤.•* *★❤.New girl valatine ready to play sexy blond size 34 E natural boobies!!! - 22
(North Miami Beach, sandlake drive/orlando)
Beautiful British Brunette!! Curvacious, Upscale n Seriously Sexy!! FUN FUN FUN!! - 29
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Commercial n 95 n surrounding areas, Ft Lauderdale)
Sun 05 Jan
Cubana 100% 34DD-25-45 ojos cafe,piel canela,pelo rizo. alta 5'9 - 27
(Miami, Collins ave north beach)
(¯` ·.*★*.· ´¯ ) [×X×] M U S T S E E S U P E R F R E A KS [×X×] ( `·.*★*.·´ ¯) - 20
* █ SWEET = blonde hazel eyes ==outcalls hialeah 786 712-3782 in n out calls=== - 34
(Hialeah, HIALEAH MIAMILAKES DORAL in n out calls)
Sexy Ebony___Sweet like Cherry❤ ❤ ❤Juicy Booty !! come have FUN-----INCAll & OUT - 21
Hawaii's Finest •(☆)• (( S€XY* P€TIT€* BLOND€* )) •(☆)• Available 24/7 - 21
(Miami, Ockocobee INCALL / outcall available)
Sat 04 Jan