Mon 27 Jan
TODAY ONLY $39.99 + Tip🍓Enjoy Your Luchy Day🍓SENSATIONAL Pleasure EROTIC BODYWORK🍒 305-244-8371 - 25
(Miami, 12355 W Dixie Hwy.N Miami ( incall only))
Sexy Busty Ebony 36D (Soft Lips ,Mutual Pleasure ,Soft Breast ,Passionate, Romantic ) (Fall Specail) - 22
(Miami, Commerical BLVD-FT Lauderdale)
Pointer Sisters: "I found somebody who will spend some time, not come and go in a heated rush." - 31
(Miami, South Florida)
New Summer Rates: I want a lover with an easy touch somebody who will spend some time. . . - 31
(Miami, Boca Raton)
I want a lover with an easy touch somebody who will spend some time not come and go in a heated rush - 42
(Miami, Cypress Creek Just Off I-95)
Sun 26 Jan
Are You Looking For A Super Classy Lady? Someone Elegant, Well-Mannered, Sophisticated, Gorgeous? - 45
(Miami, South Florida)
Sun 12 Jan
The Ultimate Fantasy: Unbelievable Combo of Mutual Body Rubs and Escort Services. Classy. Upscale. - 24
(Miami, South Florida (My Place: Pompano))
◾🍓SξDϋʗɫϊvξ Kϊɫɫÿ •• Yoϋɾ Blαʗk Lεopαɾd ɫɾεαɫ •• Alisha •• ϊs ʜeɾe •• ϊn ɫhε•• Aϊɾpoɾɫ Aɾεα🍓 - 23
(Miami, East Palmetto Expy / 36th St / Airport)
Sat 11 Jan
My Place is your Space in Pompano Beach. VIP ROOM Availab.*Latin Dolls Pamper You * - 25
(West Palm Beach, Pompano Beach -Fort lauderdale)
🌼Playhouse 2willing Girls we love live life to its fullest ☎3058488872 Entrance behind the building - 32
(5450 N State Rd 7 #34 hollywood fl 33314, City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood, Miami, North)
Fri 10 Jan
OPEN NOW THE HOTTEST GIRLS # G SPA* 35.00 1/2 hr BR *VIP*SOAPY .Hot Tubs, !! Pleasures ,TWO 4 69.99 - 23
▅ ▆ ██ ▆ ▅ Venezuela ▅ ▆ ██ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ❤Come try ❤JESSICA❤ KARLA ❤ ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ ██ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ 786-573-9904 - 23
(Miami, Cutler Bay-PalmettoBay- 184st & 97ave)
2 Great Hours of Body Rub Bliss And Much More! Real Intimacy With a Real Woman! Raise the Dead! - 48
(North of Ft. Lauderdale)
J0IN us🦋💦JUST be Y0U* Try 0UR TR0PICAL HEAT 4 D0LLS to CH00SE FR0M openTill 3am* Tel 9545445191 - 99
(3192 W Hallandale Beach Blvd ste D 33009, City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, Miami, North)
Thu 09 Jan
💦🦋A Jet-Set Elite Companion 4 Those Who WANTS the Finest in ALL Things WELCOME Here ☎️9545445191 - 22
(3192 W Hallandale Beach Blvd ste D 33009, City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, Miami, North)
The Ultimate Fantasy: Date and Body Rub With Gorgeous Pre-Med Student, Professionally Trained. - 24
(Miami, South Florida (My Place: Pompano))
Until 5am🦋Single girls loves to play💦 JACUZZY, VIP,SH0WER C0UPLES WELC0ME - 32
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, Hallandale exit 18 of 95, Miami, North)
Exciting Island Part Time Girlfriend wants to meet you for a drink, on you Sweetie - 25
(Miami Beach, South Beach, Miami Beach & Your Place)
Tue 07 Jan
VISITING SOUTH FLORIDA MY TWO Willing Friends and Me"SOAPY. HOT Tubs, SHOWER for your Enjoyment" - 25
INNOVATIVE *$35.00 1/2 Sessions NEW Clients *WHERE FANTASY MEETS&&*Vip** 4 Latin DOLLS Pamper You - 25
(West Palm Beach, Pompano Beach -Fort lauderdale)
Busty 38-D Brazillian Exotic Princess*¨¨* :GFE**Fetish Toys**Role Play!**-(954) 882-0401** - 30
(Miami Beach/FtLauderdale)
New: Do You Know What You Are Doing? What You Like, Don't Like? How to Please a Woman the Right Way? - 37
(West Palm Beach, Upscale Near Commercial / 95)
Mon 06 Jan
Sexy Busty Ebony 36D (Exotic Rub ,Mutual Pleasure ,More than just Hands ,Passionate, Independent) - 22
Sexy Busty Ebony 36D (Mutual Pleasure ,More than just Hands ,Passionate (,RED L!GHT SPEC!AL)) - 22
Brand New, Gorgeous Blond. Outcalls in South Florida! - 31
(West Palm Beach, Ft Lauderdale, Pompano Beach)
Sun 05 Jan
VISITING SOUTH FLORIDA !!OPEN NOW My THREE Willing Friends & Me For you "Soapy*Hot Tubs, TWo 4 69.99 - 25
Sat 04 Jan
Sexy Busty Ebony 36D (Mutual Pleasure ,More than just Hand ,Passionate, Romantic (RED L!GHT Specail) - 22
Sexy Busty Ebony 36D (Mutual Pleasure ,Soft Breast ,Passionate, Romantic (Combonation Services)) - 22
2 Hours of Kissing and Making Out on Couch, Mutual Body Rubs on Table, and Fun in the Bed! - 48
(Greater Ft. Lauderdale)
INNOVATIVE *$35.00 1/2 Sessions NEW Clients *WHERE FANTASY MEETS&&*Vip** 4 Latin DOLLS Pamper You - 25
(West Palm Beach, Pompano Beach -Fort lauderdale)
Do You Know What You Are Doing? What You Like, Don't Like? How to Please a Woman the Right Way? - 29
(Miami, South Florida)
*This Exciting Island Part Time Girlfriend wants to meet you for a drink, on you Sweetie - 25
(South Beach, Miami Beach, South Beach & Your Place)
"Mz PLEASURE" $50 doing Water Tricks in JACUZZI. 4 PICS Type Keyword: "CROTCHLESS" (754) 779 4716. - 24
(Just off I-95 please come over before .., Miami)
Fri 03 Jan
Mz SIXX $50 South BEACH, AVENTURA, N. MIAMI JACUZZI best studio all colors welcome (561) 255 1780 - 29
(Miami, Just off 1-95 Dont b lazy COME OVER)
Thu 02 Jan