Mon 27 Jan
Sexy Fun Big BOOTY Latina!!! SuPeR CURVY Hourglass Shaped BBW!! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING 50" BOOTY!! - 25
(Miami, Fl.)
hot voloptous babes . 786 362-9717 incall 80 half hour special today.. - 32
(hialeah/miami/ doral/ CORAL GABLES)
HOT Juicy 48" BOOTY * Must SEE! Super Thick Super Curvy Super FREAKY BBW * A BoOty Lovers Dream! - 25
(Miami, Fl.)
hot voloptous babes . 786 362-9717 incall 80 half hour special today.. - 32
(hialeah/miami/ doral/ CORAL GABLES)
Sun 26 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
hot voloptous babes . 786 362-9717 incall 60 half hour special today.. - 32
(hialeah/miami/ doral/ CORAL GABLES)
Sat 11 Jan
Super HOT Super THICK Super FREAKY BIG BOOTY Latina!!! Booty LOVERS Dont Miss out on this 50" BOOTY - 25
(Miami, Fl.)
Fri 10 Jan
WE ARE KINKY COUPLES or SINGLES! NEW HOT BLONDES Mix and Match the girls with girls or guys! - 33
(Commercial and 95 or we travel)
SUP3R THiCk BBW LAtiNa * BoDaCiOUS & ProVocaTive * CLick & See *AMAZiNG 48" APpLE BoTToM BOOTY!!! - 25
(Miami, Fl.)
SUP3R THiCk BBW LAtiNa * BoDaCiOUS & ProVocaTive * CLick & See *AMAZiNG 48" APpLE BoTToM BOOTY!!! - 25
(Miami, FL. 20th St NW 10th Ave)
Thu 09 Jan
(24/7) DoNT LeT My Little Girl LooK FooL U! STuNNiNg BLoNDe PLaYMaTe w a BiG A$$ & a NauGHTy SeCReT< - 21
(beach with free parking)
***THIcK N CURVY SUP3R BUsTy BiG BoOTY BBW*** CUMMM ** Take A Closer LOOK **@** this ** 48" BOOTY!!! - 25
(Miami, Fl. 20th St NW 10th Ave)
BOUNCE on My BOOTY...I CAN HaNDLe IT!!! AMAZING JuiCy 50" BOoTy! Must SEE!!! Thick & Curvy BBW - 25
(Miami, Fl.)
Wed 08 Jan
Super HOT Super THICK Super FREAKY BIG BOOTY Latina!!! Booty LOVERS Dont Miss out on this 50" BOOTY - 25
(Miami, Fl.)
❎❎❎❎ Dominant/Alpha Male seeking Female Submissive ASSISTANT R U READY 2 GOTO THE NEXT LEVEL$$$$❎❎❎❎
(Ft Lauderdale, Las Vegas Chih LA NYC Canada ATL Miami, Miami)
Tue 07 Jan
**THiCk N CuRvY SUP3R BuSty BBW Latina **Juicy Round 48" APPLE BoTTOM BOOTY!!!**MUST See!!! - 25
(Miami, Fl. 20th ST NW 10th AVe)
** THIcK N CURVY SUP3R BUsTy BiG BoOTY BBW ** CUMMM ** Take A Closer LOOK **@** this ** 48" BOOTY!!! - 25
(Miami, Fl. 20th St NW 10th Ave)
Mon 06 Jan
*BoOty LoVeRs* Take a LOOK @ ALL THiS BOOTY!!! 48" of Soft Plump Juicy Bouncy BoOty!!! MUST SEE!!! - 25
(Miami, Fl, 20th st NW 10th Ave)
SeXy THICK N CuRvY HoUrGLasS Shaped BBW Latina ~ CUMMMM Take A LOOK @ My JUICY Bubble BOOTY!!! - 25
(Miami, Fl. 20th St NW 10th Ave)
BABY Got BACKKKKKKK!!!!! XXX Star KRISTY LUST* AMAZING 50" ASS, MindBLOWin' Skillz & Busty Too! - 25
(Miami, Fl.)
Sun 05 Jan
(24/7) DoNT LeT My Little Girl LooK FooL U! STuNNiNg BLoNDe PLaYMaTe w a BiG A$$ & a NauGHTy SeCReT< - 21
(beach with free parking)
*BoOty LoVeRs* Take a LOOK @ ALL THiS BOOTY!!! 48" of Soft Plump Juicy Bouncy BoOty!!! MUST SEE!!! - 25
(Miami, FL. 20th St NW 10th Ave)
Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan
💜💕ViERNES de ViP💜💕MARbEllA💜💕 786-955-5192💕💜 FRidAY FuNdAY💜💕 AMAZiNg DEAlS💕💜iNCALL STUdi0💕💜 - 22
(Miami, 💜💕 786-955-5192 PRIVATE INCALLS💕💜)
*BoOty LoVeRs* Take a LOOK @ ALL THiS BOOTY!!! 48" of Soft Plump Juicy Bouncy BoOty!!! MUST SEE!!! - 25
(Miami, FL. 20th St NW 10th Ave)
(TopNotch 100%)**FUN w`A ReaL CoLLeg GirL*BusTy..DD* 100%*@786 468-6504* gOiNg OuT OnLy.. - 24
(Miami, Coconut Grove /Gables /Miami.)
Thu 02 Jan